A young woman with a promise of becoming a very effective legislator suddenly dies under murky circumstances. Then the state actors, in what might have been age-old turf wars and ego trips, orchestrate a cavalier blocking of a parallel forensic investigations by other interested parties.
Ms Cerinah Nebanda, MP for Butaleja District died suddenly last Friday in the prime of her life.( MP Cerinah Nebanda is Dead). This is a big deal, and an event of great national import of historical proportion. The country's history is littered with sudden deaths of who-is-who of remarkable Ugandans. The circumstances and the causes of many of such deaths have been kept hush-hush from the public. And there have been whispers, and to nip any doubts seemed to have been the primary motivation for the parallel forensic tests.
By now this government should have wised up. When the government tap dances and threatens jail time for any speculative talks, it is making it worse for itself. It begs the question, and legitimately so: what is it hiding? Times are achanging, and such an event, if not handled well, could conspire with other events to trigger chain reactions.
*Conspiracism is a word coined by Loren Collins in Bullspotting, Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation.
It implies the tendency for conspiracy theories.
It implies the tendency for conspiracy theories.