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Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Liberal Manifesto

The Liberal Manifesto is a blog that endeavors to work for Uganda’s Freedom, Equality, Fairness, Progress and Happiness—the essence of any 21st Century enlightened people. While Museveni relies largely on his infamous troika of cooking stones as the bedrock of his rule deluged with anxieties and intrigues, we believe that the pentathlon principles are the foundation mortar for transforming a society. Courage, Objectivity, Fairness and Open-mindedness will guide us in dissecting issues. 

The Liberal Manifesto focus is on the individual—and by extension, the entire population. Assuming maps of reality differ from one person to the next, the questions we ask are: What does freedom, equality, fairness, progress and happiness mean to a Ugandan man or woman? Hopefully, in time, we will come to a collective consensus  map of reality that gives more empowering choices for actions to the individual.

The Liberal Manifesto believes that we are all born Free to realize our individual potentials. We also believe everyone’s main objective is Happiness, however defined.
As a member of society the individual’s Freedom and Happiness have in time hinged on societal advancement and promotion of Equality, Fairness and Progress—lack of which have often led to imbalance and disharmony.

Uganda, at its core, is now in state of disharmony and imbalance. The Liberal Manifesto’s work to help steer the Uganda to harmony and balance is cut out. We know the historical nightmares. We know the characters that are taking the ship towards a precipice.

John Dermatini says that there are seven areas that show up in every society and in every person: Intellect, Culture, Vocation, Finance, Social, Spiritual and Health. Any time a person or society is disempowered in five of those areas, they will be overpowered. Any society that has been suppressed, there is usually lack of Intellectual, Vocational, Financial and Physical Strength. Where do many Ugandans stand today?

Our individual narratives form the stories of our lives. My identity, your identity is informed from each of our stories to date. Superimposed on this identity are cultural narratives and stories that gel into the collective identity of a society. Narratives, Stories and Identities are the raw data from whence realities emanate. Our challenge is to be cognizant of those narratives, stories and identities to incorporate what we perceive as the liberal universal sense of Freedom, Equality, Fairness, Progress and Happiness.

No opinion is off-limits as along as it is not vapid tirades that do not elegantly advances pro and counter arguments. We especially would like to know from those who think or believe that the status quo is tenable.

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