This is the scene: The Big Man is seated on a nicely upholstered chair placed on an equally nice red carpet on the grounds of his private home. In front of him is what goes for Uganda media, members of whom are seated on plastic chairs placed on dirt. <Newvision> That alone says volumes about what the man thinks of himself relative to other Ugandans.
Every so often Ugandans take trips to the country home of the Supremo of the nation. Of course, the expenses for such trips contribute to developments towards first-world economy. Of course, there is increased productivity as people travel from, usually, Kampala to the western enclave of civilization and progress.
Sure, once in a while a leader is taking a vacation at his private residence and he may interact with the media or conduct some official duty. But Mr. Museveni has taken this Rwakitura business too far. It says of how much he has personalize his presidency. Right now there is no difference between his home and the state houses. The whole arrangement is a farce, a waste of taxpayer money and time. It is a form of corruption when taxpayer resources are used to satisfy his personal convenience.
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