This is not an attempt to rain on the parade of those who think the 50th anniversary of Uganda's Independence is of significance. But please don't pull wool over people's eyes by playing the God card. First, there was the grandiose overstatement of Uganda-is-God-s-Nation , courtesy of New Vision. Then in the same paper there was a report of Museveni-Dedicates-Uganda-to-God even as his goons were armed to the teeth around the home of his nemesis, Dr. Besigye, in a cynical attempt to prevent him from practicing his God-given right.
Dr. Besigye in Police Cell

Let us take a bird's eye-view of Uganda's history to determine if she is indeed God's nation. At the close of the nineteen century a manic King roasted little boys to death. Was he punished for it? No. If you want the genesis of impunity and lack of accountability in leaders, look no further. Now, with fanfares we celebrate the boys as martyrs and no mention is ever made of the heinous crime of that dictator of the fledgling soon-to-be Uganda nation.
Leapfrog to the sixties to the advent of what was to become independence from Britain. You see the same ungodly intrigues play out. In the elections for Independence the whole of Buganda was disenfranchised because of the selfish acts of a cabal of a faction of God's in fear of another who might water down its power. The same religiosity of the previous century was playing itself out again. It had nothing to do with God, but with privilege. The cabal miscalculated it was better off joining hands with a despised Northerner rather than let its people have a choice at the polls, the outcome of which it might not control. This was to be the beginning of the witch's elixir that continues to poison this nation: The Kingdom partner was not getting what it wanted and created a crisis. The Northerner partner responded harshly and the King escaped for dear life that was to end far from the glitterati of pomp-and-circumstances of his birthright. Northerners soon became synonymous with cruel animals as the Northerner ex-partner over-reached himself and was soon displaced by another Northerner of dubious sanity. You could probably hear laughter of glee as the insane Northerner butchered fellow northerners who were credited with causing "pain" to the Kingdom. Did I hear the insane Northerner soon turned his venom on just about anybody regardless of region of origin?
In the witch's brew anything can emerge. The President-for-Life soon overplayed his luck and was deposed. You would think that the people's prayer was heard and things might turn the corner for the suffering nation. After playing with unimaginative characters at the wheel, the ignominious Northerner ex-partner made a come-back which was not to last for long. An ambitious and cunning man sized up the situation and went to the bush to wage a war of attrition. Soon the ex-partner was chased out by a tribal faction of his own coalition. No sooner had the clueless tribal faction warmed the seat of power than the cunning man outmaneuvered and chased them out of town. Liberation!
The cunning man has had a good run for himself and his cronies. Many came from nothing to unimaginable wealth. Now, he really needs to pray. But the population need not be numbed into sleep in the hope of a God who has had mixed results with the fate of the nation. The only thing that matters is action. If you don't act, you don't get other than by statistical chance, however much you pray. God helps those who help themselves.
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