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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Whites Introduced Homosexuality to Uganda. True or False?

Uganda in the last few weeks had its fifteen minutes of fame. The august Uganda parliament--that infamous house where votes are bought and sold to the lowest bidder--passed the Anti-Faggot Bill that is envisaged to send suspected homosexuals to prison for life. Love kills. Ugandans should know it better than anybody, having been killed with Aids by the millions. Thanks to gay activists in Act Up who pushed that swaggering American President Reagan to release funds for research, many Ugandans can now live long with the scourge of the  disease.

The impetus for the bill and subsequent apoplectic hyperventilation in the social network is that homosexuality is foreign to Uganda--mainly brought by foreign white people to corrupt our young into despicable behavior.

First, my objection to the bill is that it is an assault on individual liberty which, I am told, is enshrined in the Constitution of Uganda. If we proscribe how a person has sex, what else can we proscribe that we find objectionable?  When we objectify a group, then we give ourselves permission to do with them anything we want. Many know very well the oft quoted "biological substance" in regard to the Northerners. Those two words were enough to create disgusts. It galvanized the perpetrators to do all manner of evil to these non-humans without any guilt. Of course, that included the homosexual acts that the perpetrators were used to--that of pumping the rear-ends of men, especially in the Acoli region. This was at a time when whites were not coming in droves with aid moneys.

I posit that homosexuality is a human condition that may be a consequence of hormonal imbalances in the developing fetus. There is plenty of literature that explains that epigenetics-- the environmental effects on the genes--might be what causes the gender dubiousness in some people. If that is the case, then Ugandans are not immune to that possibility. And history and cultural practices confirm that.

It is a known fact that Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda was a homosexual. The saying goes that "hell has no fury as a woman scorned." Tell me about it--I have had my share of furious women!  But we are talking about King Mwanga. The ferocity with which he killed those page boys who are now Christian saints, speaks of the intensity of his feelings for the boys. And that intense feeling is not uncommon even in heterosexual relationships. Who can forget OJ Simpson who brutality stabbed and killed his ex-wife and her boyfriend? I would die if I can't have you but, since I am such a coward to kill myself, if I can't have you, no one will. And in a state of temporary insanity the perp does the unimaginable.

I am not picking on Baganda. But they are the dominant tribe with marked influence on many aspects of Ugandans' lives--whether the rest of us like it or not. I do not know whether Baganda's practice of "stretching" has caught on or not. The last time a female friend confided that it has spread eastwards. This is when the auntie pulls on the vaginal labia of her young ward to help elongate it. It is supposed to give great pleasure to the male species later on. This practice is as lesbian an act as can be. I am sure the auntie receives as great pleasure as she gives pleasure.

Back to this bill. The opposition should stay clear of. It is a trap. If you reframe it in terms of liberty of the individual, you will be kaput comes 2016. The master tactician will say: For us in the NRM we don't want foreign ideas. Let the faggots go to wakina FDC, UPC, DP. And Ugandans not knowing liberty even if you shove it down their throats, will vote the Ogre again.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Liberty Goes Around and Comes Around

When I protect the liberty of others, I protect my own. But this is not a concept innate to us. We have to cultivate it. For those who follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth who became Jesus the Christ during the reign of the Roman Constantine, his greatest teaching hinged  on loving your neighbor as thyself. This teaching includes the whole of humanity, and when we cherry-pick who to love and not, we fool ourselves for being the followers of the Jewish man who became a god.

Afande FeneKansi on the Homosexual Bill

Discussions have raged in social networks on Uganda’s Homosexuality Bill, which I predicted the great tactician Museveni would take his time with it. He has now weighed in accordingly (Anti-gays-Bill-was-rushed---Museveni ). I don’t know what homosexuals do with themselves, but to protect my liberty, I will defend them to the end. A wiseacre wondered how I could even be a Ugandan for my stand (I Would Want 2 Believe UR  Nt Ugandans). This is a fellow who not long ago was called a “biological substance” by his fellow Ugandans. Effectively, he was less that than a human being to be done with as it pleased the “human beings.” Even to this day, in emotional heat, he could still be referred to as such. See a discussion on a public forum: (Rutabajuuka: Those were biological substances, period). Notice the finality of the heartlessness.

When Africans or any other peoples are not familiar with something, they resort to the boogey man who is bringing all these weird stuff.  That follows along the line of human history. Copernicus, for example, formulated a heliocentric model of the universe with the sun at the center rather than earth. Earlier on a Greek man had already made this suggestion.  But during the Renaissance the Church was so powerful and preached that the Earth (by extension man) was the center of the universe. Fearfully the man did not publish his thesis. When Galileo supported this thesis by evidentiary information using his telescope, the Church Roman Inquisition jailed him for life.

In my mind I conjecture that homosexuality has some biological explanation to it. It is a known fact that genes mutate in order to give variety to species. I have seen very effeminate men, who clearly were not faking it. I am sure gays are there plodding in labs disassembling the engines under the hood to prove that genes play a part in their same-sex disposition. Some have said it is not a piece of DNA per se, but its expression or epigenetic that is shaped by the fetal environment in the womb. (Epigenetic Roots-of-Homosexuality/).

Finally, live and let live, love your neighbor as thyself, and work for others liberty so you could enjoy yours. The man said: Why can’t we just get along? He was badly beaten by cops who didn’t like his blackness.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

An Homage to Cicero

One of my greatest historical hero of the world is the Roman consul Cicero. He is believed to have been one of the greatest Roman orator and writer. His influence was marked in the European 14th century Renaissance and 18th century age of Enlightenment. Cicero's humanist teachings were basically: A willingness to subordinate our private interests for the public good; a desire to fight against corruption and tyranny; and an ambition to reach out for the noblest goals of all--those of honor and glory for the country as well as for ourselves.

Considering these goals, how would our leaders, many of whom don't even read, measure up?  Of course, we know that  they are running around in somnambulistic veneration of one psychopathic dude--as long as they get their benefits which are in times several thousands more than what the bewildered villagers who elect them get.

Our Image of the World Reflects on Who We are and What We Do

We create policies and situations based on our image of the world. If the image is false, the policies and situations will be false.

Let us look at the case of the Oga of Uganda, General Museveni. He lost an election. It was after a war to oust dictator Idi Amin. Everything was in a messy flux. Rather than work with others to civilly nurse the nation back to sanity, Mr. Museveni chose to go to the bush to fight a government that had hardly found its feet on the ground. Many starry-eyed homeboys followed him. Basically, it was a war of liberation from the Northern hegemony. Before, he could win and after, great carnage was done to the population.

On coming out, he could do no wrong. He claimed he was the personification of good governance and heaped insults (may be deservedly) on the past regimes. This, however, was a ruse to send people to sleep. He did not believe in anything he said. By the time the population woke up, he had his personal army, a parliament that jumps at his beckoning, basic safety-net services have gone to the dogs. All the while a few have become filthy rich, the national coffer has become his piggy bank, and the culture of corruption has become the order of the day.

Why would a leader have his hand in every details of national activities? Then, when things go wrong, he blames others. When there is a flicker of achievement, he hogs the credit. He is obsessive. He is a control freak.

What makes a leader stray in every armed conflict in the neighborhood? Is it to create a battle-tested military? What for? What are his major plans when the military absorbs a large chunk of the national budget? All the while those who need safety-nets the most sleep on the floors in public hospitals.

The man who once said that a major problem of African countries was leaders who overstay in power, has used all kinds of under-handed fiats to cling to power for nearly thirty years. By all indications he wants more of the same. All the while, any kind of serious opposition is brutally snuffed. The LC (local council)structure of his no-party days is the machinery to deliver down to the mud-and-wattle pit latrine huts. Throwing printed money in the right places, strategic appointments, and going easy on thieves in high places are the lifeblood that keep the system chugging along.

So, what is the Oga's image of the world really beyond the façade of a born-again Christian and the feted darling of the West for nearly thirty years? Deep down, the world is not a safe place, and nobody cares about you except yourself. Grab power, grab wealth, and grab people by any means necessary. This is how to ensure your own survival. What goes for a master politician is, in fact, a depraved instinct developed in suboptimum beginnings.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fair is Fair

A lady on Facebook brought up a pertinent issue that has dogged African males of late: a viper over-dependency of our females on we males. ( Lamara's View) The fact is, this is a new phenomenon. Our grandmothers tilled the land. Our mothers worked in the professions. All were contributing without mine-and-yours. Now, a Ugandan MP claims abuse when the husband wants to know her income. ( Battered over Pay) Mind you, when she didn't have it, the man took care of things. Crazy stuff--figure it out!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Elephant in da Room

We have heard that a new organization has been formed, headed by the literati of the Diaspora. Mention is also made of the General who ran away and has kept some of us amused and/or wondering for the last few months as he spitted fire against the wily dictator who has ruled Uganda with an iron grip for more than a quarter century. It is all well and good that this organization should be all-inclusive. The question is: how effective will it be in correcting what has gone wrong in Uganda, let alone having the wherewithal to oust the dictator?

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Museveni Tax on International Calls (MTIC)

The Minister of Finance, Ms Kiwanuka's 2013/14 budget proposal included a ding on telephone international calls terminating in the Republic of Uganda. It was dubbed as taxing "foreigners." I would bet that ninety percent of those calls are from Ugandans living abroad. So now, not only is  the diaspora increasing the economic activities in the country by its remittances, it is going to be taxed to fund a corrupt regime. And check this out; there is a proposal to float some diaspora bond to help finance the said government. All the while a legislation for dual citizenship lies idle on Mr. Museveni's desk and there is no facilitation for diaspora voter participation. 

Here is Telcom 101 on voice calls. When you call a wireless or a land line in Uganda, that call is directed to the receiver via a local carrier which charges a fee which is passed on to you by the carrier of origination. The Museveni government saw easy money here. It will add a tax to the termination fee and the local carrier will just write a check to Caesar. What a racket! Now, you will be paying more for your calls, and you thought digitization was going to lower your rates.

In the tax activists' world, taxation without representation is a farce. The rationale being that if you can't vote, you have no voice in influencing what goes on. Mr. Museveni can impose his greedy hands into your pocket and take away what you have so that he can ride his jets, throw sacks of money in bribery left and right, and, if you dare come to Kampala and demonstrate, you will be whipped by his policemen.

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Project

To Northerners the sight of General Tinyefuza brings the heebie jeebies. Some touch their noses as if to ward off a foul bad breath or body odor. Some have attacks of cold sweats—a post-traumatic syndrome which recalls when the man locked the North into the dark ages and when perceived leaders were made to frog-walk, subjected to kangaroo court-whims and put in jail.

So now, when the general made another stir and the power-that-be has yet to make a public response other than harass letter-carriers, what are we to make of it?

Our experience is that to understand President Museveni, the main subject of the General’s allegation, you have to look at his actions, not his bombastic utterances.

In diagnosing political intentions, just as in diagnosing the weather, economic trends or even medical conditions, one has to consider the past and present leading indicators. The past trend with Museveni has been about amassing personal powers. When it suits him, he has no respect for the law. There is no difference between him and the man who once said: L'État, c'est moi! (The State is me).

With regard to his son, the boy has had the best military training our taxes could buy. He has been promoted rapidly and now controls an elite military unit which protects the father and oil fields.

So, some of us in the North, while fidgeting with our noses and/or shivering in cold sweats and swallowing hard, have a nagging feeling that the mustachioed general might have stumbled on some truth.

There are some questions: How will the hand-over from father to son going to be effected? Might all these talks not discourage the project, or will it make the man more determined? There are dark clouds in the horizon.

Monday, March 4, 2013

To Thine Own Self be True

Polonius to his son Laertes:
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!---Shakespeare

The context of the above quote might have been about Shakeperean Polonius' advice on self-preservation, but let us take it in the New-Age context of being honest with one's true nature. It is said that a large part of who we are is controlled by the mind: we are what we think. In that light,  Mr. Eriya Kategeya, from my readings, grew up believing in justice and all that go with it. It is not far-fetched to surmise that his true self was about justice. Unlike some of us who reflect on such matters and may be write about it in the comfy of our chair and electronic gadgets, the man got involved with some shrewed characters who would take over control of the country by force of arms. Unfortunately for him, these shrewed operators, exemplified by oft-stated boyhood friend, Mr. Museveni, would betray his raison d'être. Mr. Museveni ochestrated a cynical change of the constitution to eliminate presidential term limits, which, effectively, given state resources, agrarian gullible population and the gun, would give him life presidency. Mr. Kategeya made a tentative protest, but he was of lesser fortitude and soon made a pack with the devil. Unceremonously thrown out of government, he was soon reeled back by the supposed childhood friend who is made of a different fiber.

Now, at 67, Mr. Eriya Kategeya is dead of an apparent blood clot. 67 is a relatively young age for most people of previlege with creature comforts and access to good medical care. Again, we go back to the mind. If we subscribe to the notion that the brain, in concert with the mind, controls our essence and functions, it follows that when we do things that conflict with what is hard-wired by long-held beliefs or genetic make up, we create upheavals in our body systems. We may never know, but Mr. Kategeya was already dead the minute he went back to work for his self-obsessed boyhood friend. One can only imagine that he agonized about his decision and all the police brutalities and the blatant manifestations of the very evil that he stood up against. Worse still, he found himself trapped, serving Mammon.Who would not get high blood pressure, stomach ulcers,strokes and blood clots?


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Rwakitura Mumbo Jumbo

This is the scene: The Big Man is seated on a nicely upholstered chair placed on an equally nice red carpet on the grounds of his private home. In front of him is what goes for Uganda media, members of whom are seated on plastic chairs placed on dirt. <Newvision>  That alone says volumes about what the man thinks of himself relative to other Ugandans.

Every so often Ugandans take trips to the country home of the Supremo of the nation. Of course, the expenses for such trips contribute to developments towards first-world economy. Of course, there is increased productivity as people travel from, usually, Kampala to the western enclave of civilization and progress.

Sure, once in a while a leader is taking a vacation at his private residence and he may interact with the media or conduct some official duty. But Mr. Museveni has taken this Rwakitura business too far. It says of how much he has personalize his presidency. Right now there is no difference between his home and the state houses. The whole arrangement is a farce, a waste of taxpayer money and time. It is a form of corruption when taxpayer resources are used to satisfy his personal convenience.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Quislings Are Coming! The Quislings Are Coming!

In Museveni's world-view of convenience and make-belief, the problems of the Acoli begins and ends with Joseph Kony, the LRA Supremo. He has pumped this line of farce into people's heads such that even the ones that should know better in the region parody the same song and dance. Why is that? 

First, in the region there are the spaced out ignoramous who possibly dont't know why they are even on this earth. They just exist and take anything that comes--thanks to the break-up of whatever semblance of pre-1980s social structures. These are the ones who probably cast their Museveni/NRM votes in the belief that Museveni saved them from Kony and heralded peace. 

Then there are the mentally defeated who were exhausted from the chaos that prevailed and a respite was welcome. Any meme could be slid into their consciousness which the NRM/Museveni obliged with an occupation army and well ochestrated propaganda techniques.